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Application Status
- App version: 0.1
- Grails version: 2.5.6
- Groovy version: 2.4.5
- JVM version: 1.8.0_422
- Reloading active: false
- Controllers: 23
- Domains: 65
- Services: 70
- Tag Libraries: 22
Installed Plugins
- logging - 2.5.6
- core - 2.5.6
- restResponder - 2.5.6
- dataSource - 2.5.6
- servlets - 2.5.6
- urlMappings - 2.5.6
- codecs - 2.5.6
- dataBinding - 2.5.6
- i18n - 2.5.6
- fhsShared - 0.1
- mail - 1.0.7
- webxml - 1.4.1
- databaseMigration - 1.4.1
- resources - 1.2.14
- jquery - 1.11.1
- backbonejs - 1.0.0
- underscore - 1.4.4
- auditLogging - 1.1.0
- executor - 0.3
- controllers - 2.5.6
- filters - 2.5.6
- domainClass - 2.5.6
- converters - 2.5.6
- controllersAsync - 2.5.6
- mimeTypes - 2.5.6
- hibernate4 - 5.0.8.RELEASE
- groovyPages - 2.5.6
- services - 2.5.6
- validation - 2.5.6
- cache - 1.1.8
- springSecurityCore - 2.0.0
- springSecurityShiro - 1.0.0
Welcome to Grails
Congratulations, you have successfully started your first Grails application! At the moment this is the default page, feel free to modify it to either redirect to a controller or display whatever content you may choose. Below is a list of controllers that are currently deployed in this application, click on each to execute its default action: